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American cooking: the melting pot

Veal-and-Pepper Hero Sandwich

Page 23

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Single Review Display

20th January 2019


4 for taste, 3 for instructions.

- Two people don't need 1-1/2 lbs of meat, which is ...
- "cut into 3-inch" pieces". What does this mean? 3x3? 3x1x1/2? 3x1/2x1/2? What?
- 1/2 cup of wine poured into a hot 12" skillet evaporates almost instantly. You're not going to bring it to a boil and simmer. I added another 1/2 cup just so there was something sauce-like there.
- I sliced my roasted bell peppers, rather than cutting into squares.

Tasty stuff, but this recipe could easily serve three, and would probably serve four.
We thought there was too much bread. Maybe serve as an open-face sandwich, or on a baked potato, or over rice or pasta.

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