A Bird in the Hand: Chicken Recipes for Every Day and Every Mood
Baked Chicken with Tarragon and Dijon Mustard
Page 15
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
A very easy recipe that makes a tasty chicken dish that was done in just over 30 minutes. I didn't have any tarragon so I used some dill from my garden. Leftovers heated up well the next day too. Will definitely repeat.
Sovay from Northern England,
Quick to prepare and delicious. The crumb coating keeps the chicken very moist. Does involve a lot of mustard - if I'd just opened a fresh jar I might use a bit less. The mustard wasn't that easy to blend with the butter; could try melting the butter first.
I used my halogen oven, and as usual I reduced the temperature by 30 degrees C rather than the recommended 20, but even so the coating on the chicken was approaching the desired "lovely golden colour" after 15 minutes. I therefore put a lid on, removing it for the last 5 mins for final crisping.
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