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A Bird in the Hand: Chicken recipes for every day and every mood
By Diana Henry
Mitchell Beazley - 2015
ISBN: 178472002X

A Bird in the Hand: Chicken Recipes for Every Day and Every Mood

Baked Chicken with Tarragon and Dijon Mustard

Page 15

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses

(2 reviews)


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17th May 2019

Sovay from Northern England,

Quick to prepare and delicious. The crumb coating keeps the chicken very moist. Does involve a lot of mustard - if I'd just opened a fresh jar I might use a bit less. The mustard wasn't that easy to blend with the butter; could try melting the butter first.

I used my halogen oven, and as usual I reduced the temperature by 30 degrees C rather than the recommended 20, but even so the coating on the chicken was approaching the desired "lovely golden colour" after 15 minutes. I therefore put a lid on, removing it for the last 5 mins for final crisping.

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