Website: David Lebovitz
Recipe Reviews
This is indeed easy and I enjoyed the cornmeal/polenta crunch of the crust. The dough was very soft so I had to use a small (2 inch) biscuit cutter to make the top crust. I used a local plum jam on one half and a ginger marmalade on the other. The plum was a little too sweet (my mistake), the ginger half was much better - next time I will be sure to use a lower sugar jam or marmalade. My only disappointment here was that the crust did not stay as crisp as I would have like - not soft and mushy by any means, just missing that crisp crust (especially by the time it was served- 9 hours later:(
David claims this tart is better the following day however I would have to disagree because of the crust. Polenta crunch gave me some satisfaction but not enough. I will try this one again because of its simplicity and with the right jam and timing I think it could be great!
(edited 23rd September 2019) (0) comment (0) useful
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