The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World's Most Glorious - and Perplexing - City

Breton Buckwheat Cake with Fleur de sel
Page 259
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
This is an unusual cake and one whose flavor seems to grow on me with each small additional wedge I cut for myself.
The crumb is dense (the cake calls for 4 egg yolks and one whole egg) and the rum flavor is subtle and works really well with the buckwheat. I enjoy the sweet-salty combo.
Another benefit - thanks to the finishing directions (an egg wash, some salt sprinkles, and a few passes across the top of the unbaked cake with a fork), this cake comes out of the oven looking like it would be at right home in a patisserie window.
To dress it up even further, it can be served with poached fruit or some whipped cream or creme fraiche. But it's a nice mid-afternoon pick me up all on its own.
(edited 8th December 2010) (0) comment (1) useful
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