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The Zuni Cafe Cookbook: A Compendium of Recipes and Cooking Lessons from San Francisco's Beloved Restaurant

Onion Frittata with Balsamic Vinegar

Page 180

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(4 reviews)
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Tags: omelets

Recipe Review

19th December 2010

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

I just made this for Sunday breakfast without even checking to see if anyone else had done it. Great minds...

Anyway, I agree that this is a nice, simple omelette variation. I like the way it puffs up and I would never have thought of cooking eggs in a full tablespoon and a half of olive oil like this, but it turned out very tasty. Until Zuni, I hadn't thought of balsamic vinegar on eggs, but it's a great idea - a nice flavour shot. I also tend to over-beat my eggs when making omelettes and frittatas, so taking her advice to stop a bit early was also a good discovery.

(2) useful  


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