The Classic Italian Cook Book:The art of Italian cooking and the Italian art of eating

Page 139
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: pesto pasta basil Parmesan cheese marcella hazan
Recipe Review
lovesgenoise from , MA
This is a robust, garlicky, salty pesto that is wonderful and memorable. Like many of the recipes from this book, it has become a staple in my kitchen, I have probably made it more than 25 times.
I have fine-tuned it to my tastes, pulling back on the raw garlic and adding a very small squirt of lemon juice to help preserve a fresh green color. Walnuts also work well with this recipe if pine nuts are not available. I freeze it in ice cube trays and then transfer the cubes to a ziploc. Great on pizza and potato gnocchi as well as on pasta.
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