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Cookwise: The Secrets of Cooking Revealed

Recent Reviews

Brie Filled with Walnuts and Amaretto-Soaked Apricots in Brioche reviewed by lovesgenoise

17th June 2011

I absolutely loved this filled brie recipe. I served it at a large party, and the most sophisticated foodies there raved about it. The balance of buttery brioche, creamy brie, salty nuts and sweet-tart apricots is delicious. This was not too sweet,...
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Sausage in Brioche reviewed by lovesgenoise

15th June 2011

Brioche: The brioche base recipe used for the Sausage in Brioche is wonderful- delicious, full-flavored, and meets the goal of a fine crumb that doesn't pull away from fillings. It benefits from a full-flavored, sophisticated sausage. This brioche is...
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Marinated Grilled Skirt Steak reviewed by lovesgenoise

1st June 2011

Followed this recipe exactly, from the marinade to the weight of the steak to the overnight (20 hrs) soak. It was a good, well-balanced marinade, but it overwhelmed the meat. I have found this to be the case with other, similar skirt steak recipes,...
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Broccoli Salad with Bacon and Sweet-Sour Dressing reviewed by aj12754

4th September 2010

I love broccoli so when I read Wester's review of this recipe I pulled out my copy of Cookwise to check the recipe out. I quickly realized that this recipe is very similar to a broccoli salad recipe I have eaten with pleasure at a number of block parties...
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