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The Berry Bible: With 175 Recipes Using Cultivated and Wild, Fresh and Frozen Berries

Popular Recipes

Maine Wild Blueberry GAteau 1
Berry Coulis 1
Blackberry-Blueberry Cardamom Muffins 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 3

Average recipe rating (3 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Berry Coulis reviewed by innocentfront

1st June 2015

Easy and tasty
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Blackberry-Blueberry Cardamom Muffins reviewed by innocentfront

18th August 2014

The blackberries didn't really add much except visual interest. Tasty. The cardamom was a nice touch. Not too sweet. *I have the kindle edition which doesn't give page numbers*
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Maine Wild Blueberry GAteau reviewed by innocentfront

9th June 2013

Directions were easy to follow and the resulting cake was tender, moist, and flavorful. I really enjoyed this particular recipe.
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