Essen & Trinken
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Recipes listed from this issue: 3
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Veal with Braised Pears, Roquefort and Sage / Kalbssteak mit geschmorten Birnen, Roquefort und Salbei reviewed by friederike
Very delicious, but the title isn't correct. Instead it should be something like 'Braised Veal with Roquefort, Sage and Fried Pears'.
We didn't use veal but pork, and that probably was for the better. The meat was already slightly dry - veal would have...
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Bacon-wrapped Pears with a Celeriac and Lamb's Lettuce Salad / Birnen im Speckmantel mit Sellerie- und Feldsalat reviewed by friederike
It was slightly remiscent of a Waldorf salad, with the grated celeriac, the nuts and the apples/pears in it; however, to use an old frase, it didn't quite come together as a dish. DB complained that the bacon was too salty in comparison to the rest (which...
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Engadin Walnut Tartlets / Engadiner Walnußtörtchen reviewed by friederike
Wonderful tartlets, as if straight from the confectioner! One caveat: my first batch ended up looking pretty burned, although I later discovered that they didn't taste burned at all. For the second batch I therefore reduced the baking time by 10 minutes...
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