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Tapas: The Little Dishes of Spain

Recent Reviews

Green Olives, Sevilla Style reviewed by Sovay

3rd August 2013

These took time to mature, most likely because I kept them in the fridge from the outset due to the unusually hot weather here (though if they survive unrefrigerated in Seville I'm probably being over-cautious). The flavour seemed to fill out towards...
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Mushrooms Stuffed with Pork and Pine Nuts reviewed by Sovay

13th July 2013

Good but not great - the pine nuts seemed to disappear without adding much in the way of either texture or flavour. I used Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's home-made Mexican chorizo instead of plain pork mince for the stuffing, which tasted fine but was...
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Tiny meatballs in saffron sauce (albondiguitas al azafràn) reviewed by wester

3rd November 2012

These were very good. I would have liked to taste the saffron more though.
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Home-style meatballs (albóndigas caseras) reviewed by wester

15th August 2012

Meatballs flavored with nutmeg and garlic and stewed with some vegetables and a splash of wine. This recipe does not look spectacular, but boy, is it delicious. Everybody licked their plate clean, and then they scraped the pan. Easy to make and no weird...
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