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Delia's Complete How to Cook: Both a Guide for Beginners and a Tried and Tested Recipe Collection for Life

Recent Reviews

Roasted salmon fillets with a crusted Pecorino and pesto topping reviewed by redjanet

15th December 2011

I was looking for a change from my usual Jamie Oliver recipe of salmon topped with pesto and roasted in the oven in foil, which my spouse is a bit sick of...and then ended up finding this, which is almost the same thing, but with cheese and breadcrumbs...
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corned beef hash with fried eggs reviewed by weaponxgirl

17th February 2010

This is exactly how a hash should taste, just pure comfort food.
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chorizio hash with peppers and paprika reviewed by weaponxgirl

17th February 2010

This is a lovely easy dish to make. Its a great lunch dish with strong flavours, perfect for when you need something quick to eat.
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egg and lentil curry with coconut and pickled lime reviewed by weaponxgirl

17th February 2010

this was far too sour for my personal taste. easy to make.
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