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Pretend Soup: And Other Real Recipes

Popular Recipes

Hide and seek muffins 1
Popovers 1
Bright pink fruit dip 1
Pretend soup 1
Salad bar 1
Chocolate-banana shake 2
Zucchini moons 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 7

Average recipe rating (8 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Salad bar reviewed by wester

23rd April 2013

Madelief (6) says: jammie!!! (yummy :-) ) This was a lovely idea, the children could choose from lots of options so there were plenty of nice ones. A relaxed summer lunch or dinner. Also great when you have people with conflicting diets around. It looks...
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Pretend soup reviewed by wester

18th January 2013

Review by Madelief (age 6, she typed it herself): ik vond de fruit-soep lekkerder dan heerlijk. (I thought the fruit soup was better than delicious.) We used pomegranate seeds instead of berries.
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Bright pink fruit dip reviewed by wester

19th May 2012

Very pink, quite tasty. After making this once, my kids keep pestering me to make it again. You have been warned.
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Zucchini moons reviewed by wester

2nd December 2010

Not my favorite way of preparing zucchini. The addition of both butter and water, and the lack of herbs are the main culprits. However, letting the children help with slicing (with a blunt knife) and with adding cheese were good ideas.
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