Chinese Cuisine: Szechwan Style
By Lee Hwa Lin
Wei-Chuan Publishing Co Ltd ,U.S. - 1993
ISBN: 0941676315

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Chinese Cuisine: Szechwan Style

Chinese Cuisine: Szechwan Style: member book reviews

(1 review)
10th April 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Great Chinese cookbook! I love the fact that it's a bilingual book and very typical Chinese in some of its instructions. Several of the dishes feature rather rare ingredients though, but most of them are dried or pickled anyway and can be easily stored for later re-use.
At first glance I thought this book contained more exotic recipes compared to Chinese Cuisine Cantonese Style, but actually it doesn't, there seem to be several easily manageable recipes in there.
However, you do need to be a lover of hot food to enjoy this one.

(edited 20th September 2011) report

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