Cold Soups
By Linda Ziedrich
Harvard Common Press - 1995
ISBN: 1558320784

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Cold Soups

Cold Soups: member book reviews

(1 review)
23rd June 2011

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

We (Soupereasy and I) are doing this review after trying five of the recipes in the book (cucumber soup, clam soup, corn soup, red pepper soup, and blackberry soup) each reviewed separately.

There are lots of good ideas. Overall, we think the basics are solid but with two caveats:

1) the soups we tried -- other than the blackberry and clam soups -- were bland and needed tweaking to a greater (the corn soup) or lesser (the cucumber soup) extent.

2) we found that we needed less of whatever milky/creamy element the recipe called for. This was especially true for the blackberry soup.

The main introduction and chapter introductions contain very helpful information.

So ... the book did a good job in terms of motivating us to get into the kitchen and play with cold soups, and we will now be checking the other cookbooks on our shelves for additional chilled soup recipes.

And we still have a few to try from this one, including an avocado with tomatillo salsa soup that screams summer on the back deck.


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