Website: New York Times - Dining and Wine

Chickpea Flour Crepes with Roasted Pepper, Tomato and Goat Cheese Filling
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch

Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
The review of this recipe by @AJ12754 caught my eye, and I had just bought chickpea flour, so thought I'd give it a go. I have to say I got bogged down in preparing the roasted peppers, and then didn't have canned tomatoes (I'm trying to avoid canned acidic foods), and so the filling wasn't as good as the recipe. But the crepe part worked great, and I think this recipe holds great promise.
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
All a recipe has to do to woo me is hold out the promise of roasted red peppers and goat cheese and I am there.
These were my first crepes -- and definitely not my last. The batter could not have been easier and with a crepe-experienced cook by my side, the crepe-making technique turned out to be easier to manage than I would have thought possible.
The filling -- a tomato/garlic/onion/red pepper sauce with thyme and basil topped with goat cheese -- was excellent.
Fun to make, fun to eat. Great for brunch or a light lunch. Looking forward to many more crepes -- sweet and savory-- in my future.
Link above is to the filling. Link for the crepes is below.
P.S. Just noticed Queezle_Sister's review of this recipe and realized .... when I posted this I forgot to mention that I was making these kind of last minute and I used jarred red peppers and they worked very well ... and it was a real time saver (sorry!).
Also, I don't know if anyone else does this, but a few years ago -- based on a tip in a tomato soup recipe in the Great American Food without Fuss cookbook -- I started adding a smidgen (maybe 1/8 tsp) of baking soda to tomato soups and sauces as a base to counteract the acid rather than adding a bit of sugar as I used to do. I don't notice any change to the tomato flavor and I like it better than a sweetened tomato sauce.
(edited 15th October 2011) (0) comment (2) useful
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