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Fine Cooking

Issue 37 - , 2010

Grilled Mozzarella and Spinach BLT

Page 84

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

11th May 2011

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

I was looking for a relatively light dish for dinner that would help me use up some of the Costco produce bounty from the week-end shopping trip (spinach and tomatoes) and the rest of the handmade mozzarella from the class I took. This fit the bill perfectly -- the mix of cooked bacon and garlicky spinach with fresh sliced tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and fresh basil was just great. I ended up using my husband's old "purchased on a whim" George Foreman grill and it worked perfectly for this sandwich. Fun to make ... more fun to eat.

(2) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 4th June 2012
I found this recipe on line - thanks AJ, it looks awesome. The linked recipe, though, does not mention basil (but what a great idea!). My DH requested BLTs for his birthday dinner, and this sounds like an excellent version.

(edited 4th June 2012) 

aj12754 - 5th June 2012
I am glad to be reminded of this recipe as sumer approaches -- I just planted my basil, tarragon and rosemary yesterday and a couple of tomato plants.

We are currently obsessed with fresh burrata (sp?) on toasted ciabatta, drizzled with EVOO, a little S&P and chopped fresh basil. Our Costco carries the individual ciabattas and occasionally the burrata. Summer on a plate :-)

(edited 5th June 2012) 

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