Noshe Djan: Afghan Food and Cookery

Lawang Chalau / Meat Stew with Yoghurt
Page 158
Cuisine: Central Asian | Course Type: Main Courses

Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Delicious and a very simple dish. There is no indication of cooking time. The meat was done after 45 minutes, but unfortunately not the rest of our dishes, which is why the lamb ended up being slightly dry. The sauce was very nice, although I think that it would be just as nice without the yoghurt.
We served this with Pilau and Peach Chutney from the same book and Stir-fried Carrots with Mango and Ginger from Modern Moroccan; except for the peach chutney this was a very good combination.
(edited 31st May 2011) (0) comment (1) useful
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