Fine Cooking

Chewy Brownies
Page 43
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Cookies/Bars
Tags: chocolate baking brownies cocoa bars
Recipe Reviews
BethNH from , NH
In my never ending quest for the perfect brownie recipe, I took advantage of the cool weather today to try this recipe.
The recipe uses both unsweetened powder and cocoa powder along with 1 1/2 cups of sugar. It bakes in an 8x8 inch pan.
Sadly, the top was not shiny or crackly in the slightest. The brownies were too thin and they were not nearly sweet enough. I sent them on their way with a bunch of hungry teenage boys and they ate them without complaint.
The recipe calls for baking the brownies for 35 - 45 minutes which I knew would be an error. I baked them for 25 minutes and could have probably baked them for a couple of minutes less.
My brownie quest continues. Alas.
(edited 3rd July 2011) (0) comment (0) useful
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