Delicious (NL)

Meringue Towers with Rose Cream / Meringuetorentjes met rozenroom
Page 61
| Course Type: Desserts

Tags: lime berries raspberries fruit desserts egg whites fool rose water brambles meringue keeper sweet finger food flower
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Beautiful! So beautiful! And delicious! A raspberry fool with that little extra.
Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't have a few comments. First of all, in their photos the cream is pink - mine isn't. Is their rosewater pink or did they use food colouring? Not really bad, because it made me consider using a few drops of raspberry sirup in the cream.
All in all, the dessert was much too sweet. For our second helping, we added a few drops of lime juice - much better! I could also imagine adding some lime juice (and grated lime zest) to the meringues, especially if you're adding raspberry sirup to the cream.
And if you're making the meringues yourself anyway - try to make them flat, it'll help to make the towers. Alternatively, make one tier instead of two, even if two looks better - one is easier to eat.
Edited 24 July 2011:
Raspberry syrup won't make the cream any pinker, but feel free to use food colouring. Also, feel free to use other berries - brambles (not pictured) work particularly well. Decorate with lime zest, mint leaves, icing sugar and/or rose petals!
Edited 27 January 2013:
For a double recipe, we used 2 tablespoons raspberry sirup and nearly 3 tablespoons rose water; as described above, we also made our own meringues, using the zest of two limes and the juice of one and a quart. When making the meringues, remember to make a small cavity in the middle, it'll make it much easier to add the cream. We brought them to a potluck where we were responsible for the small bites (sweet and savoury) and they were really popular. We served these together with Engadin Walnut Tartlets and Mini Tiramisu.
Edited 5 May 2013:
We had two egg whites leftover from yesterdays Rhubarb Creme Brulee, so I decided to make meringues, and I added about a teaspoon rosewater - so delicious! It was strong enough for just the meringues, though it might need a little more if you want to eat it with raspberries. Might be an option to skip the cream if you want to serve to somebody lactose intolerant.
(edited 5th May 2013) (2) comment (3) useful
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