Giuliano Hazan's Thirty Minute Pasta: 100 Quick and Easy Recipes

Spaghetti with Melon
Page 73
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
I saw this recipe last week on Hazan's site and printed it to make soon since we have a cantaloup wanting to be used. This morning I saw it tried on another blog and it was convenient to have a quick meal today, so into the kitchen I went.
I made a half recipe for two, served with linguine rather than spaghetti. This is easy and quite fun. The sweet flavor is unexpected but works fine. Cantaloup is not overwhelmingly sweet, so this had not a dessert taste about it at all.
If you feel the need for protein, some scallops or shrimp might be good. Or maybe some crispy fried pancetta sprinkled on at the end.
Definitely a keeper.
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