Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook: Crazy Delicious Recipes that Are Good to the Earth and Great for Your Bod

Peach Crisp
Page 259
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Desserts
Tags: fruit desserts vegan peaches
Recipe Reviews
Leeka from Hamilton, ON
I'm a little on the fence about this crisp. It uses lemon zest in the topping along with oats, granola, cinnamon, nutmeg and brown rice syrup. I'm not sure I dig the combination of lemon zest and peaches. It tastes a bit funky to me but I'm eating my second bowl as I write this so I guess it's tasty enough.
Also, I like less topping and more peaches/fruit but I find myself thinking this every time I make a crisp so a note for myself next time - make less topping!
(edited 12th March 2012) (4) comment (3) useful
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