Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook: Crazy Delicious Recipes that Are Good to the Earth and Great for Your Bod

Asian Macaroni and Cheese
Page 224
Cuisine: Asian | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: pasta cauliflower vegan asian
Recipe Reviews
Leeka from Hamilton, ON
Wow, I was not expecting to like this at all and I was very pleasantly surprised. I made this on the recommendation of someone in my cooking group and after reading the ingredients was somewhat skeptical but gave it a shot. I'm really glad I did.
This is a baked pasta dish with cheese nowhere in sight. The sauce is deliciously creamy and is made with coconut milk, blended cooked cauliflower, a bit of miso, garlic, nutmeg, mustard, salt and pepper. Added to the pasta and sauce is a bit more browned cauliflower and tofu. The flavours are mild but not boring. This is definitely comfort food, perfect for supper on a cool autumn or winter's night.
Note: I did not have potato starch for the sauce but substituted corn starch and it was fine. You could probably get away without this ingredient all together.
(edited 12th March 2012) (0) comment (3) useful
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