Aufläufe & Gratins

Pumpkin with a Tomato Chili Paste / Kürbisspalten mit Tomaten-Chili-Paste
Page 18
| Course Type: Appetizers

Tags: vegetarian pumpkin pumpkin seeds mozzarella rosemary dried tomatoes chilli roast peppers
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
I actually quite enjoyed it but DB didn't, probably because I like pumpkin and he doesn't. So that brings you back to nowhere.
I liked that it was something different than the usual pumpkin soup (which is write in every other pumpkin recipe review), and I though the chili was a good idea, though we only used one instead of three chilis - I believe they meant different ones. The rosemary (one teaspoon dried rosemary instead of one tablespoon fresh) was a good contrast to the chili's hotness and paired well with the sweet soft texture of the pumpkin. On the other side I found it difficult to really taste all of the ingredients because especially the chili and the rosemary were slightly dominant. The mozzarella in any case was a complete waste, of course it couldn't hold up against chili.
One point that annoyed both of us is that according to the recipe, 20 min in the oven is supposed to be enough. Of course it isn't. In our case the pumpkin was done only after about 50 min.
So, would I make it again? I don't know, I'm on the fence. It looked good and makes a nice looking vegetarian appetizer, and it was definitely interesting but maybe just not 100% convincing.
(edited 20th October 2012) (0) comment (1) useful
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