The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accessories

Raspberry Sherbet
Page 132
| Course Type: Desserts
Recipe Reviews
Oh my, this is very good. A neighbor gave us 4 cups of raspberries fresh from her canes. (There were some strawberries mixed in also, but I took care of those on my own. :-)
I used 2% milk instead of whole milk, which I don't ordinarily have in-house. Can't say that I notice anything missing, and wonder if the less-fat milk isn't more appropriate here, since sherbets, at least in my mind, don't tend to be heavy, creamy frozen things.
I always find straining the seeds from raspberry purées difficult. The sieve clogs up with the seeds and the good stuff just sits there. Me and a spatula managed to get most of the good stuff through. Extra work.
(edited 11th September 2011) (0) comment (2) useful
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