Marcella Cucina
By Marcella Hazan
William Morrow Cookbooks - 1997
ISBN: 0060171030

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Other edition(s)

Marcella Cucina
By Marcella Hazan
Humanity Press/prometheus Bk - 1999
ISBN: 0333725956

Marcella Cucina

Bell Pepper and Goat Cheese Sauce for Pasta

Page 168

Cuisine: Italian

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

13th September 2011


Peeling the bell peppers is a bit tedious, but otherwise this is an easy recipe. Good even for non-aficionados of bell peppers.

Yellow bps are pretty on green pasta; red ones should be on white pasta.

Note-to-self suggests forgoing the butter at the end, using a bit of the pasta-cooking water instead.

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