Marcella Cucina
By Marcella Hazan
William Morrow Cookbooks - 1997
ISBN: 0060171030

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Marcella Cucina
By Marcella Hazan
Humanity Press/prometheus Bk - 1999
ISBN: 0333725956

Marcella Cucina

Fricassed Rabbit with Yellow or Red Peppers

Page 286

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

9th October 2011


This was the second time I've cooked rabbit, and this was much more successful than my previous attempt. This isn't a hard recipe, but quite a lot of clock time is involved, marinating and long cooking.

Because of the long marinade in vinegar, I was afraid the sauce would not be very pleasant, but it was quite nice in fact. The remaining sour and the sweet of the bell peppers balanced each other out.

Also I was worried because only 1/2 cup of wine is added as liquid, to deglaze the pan, and most of that had evaporated by the time I covered the pan to cook for a long while. In the end, quite a lot of liquid "appeared" and I boiled some off before serving.

Might consider buying just some hind quarters to do this again, rather than dealing with a whole rabbit (head and innards were included with this one).

This kept well. Reheated leftovers were very good.

(edited 13th October 2011) (0) comment (0) useful  

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