The River Cottage Fish Book

Mackerel stuffed with salsa verde
Page 316
| Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: fish mackerel low-carb trout sardines
Recipe Reviews
Sovay from Northern England,
This worked well, though as an earlier reviewer has mentioned, the filleting technique is slightly trickier than advertised - removing the pin bones requires cutting right down to the skin but not through it. I'll probably continue to remove pin bones with tweezers.
I cooked the mackerel in the oven (as I don't have a frying pan big enough for a large fish) and it tasted great but I had a couple of issues with it: firstly the skin lacquered itself to the baking tray and was not easy to remove; secondly (and more seriously) the roasting mackerel filled the house with a lingering smell not of fish, but of hot oil. I've noticed this in the past when baking mackerel without the addition of liquid, and as my house is tiny it's quite a problem. However, browsing though a different book I noticed a recipe for Maquereaux en Papillote - ie rolled up in greaseproof paper like a Christmas cracker before baking - and wondered whether that might be the answer to both my concerns. I shall give it a try next time I use this recipe.
wester from Soesterberg, Utr
I still have to get the hang of the filleting and removing the pinbones. But the taste of this was excellent - the fresh green salsa verde works very well with the rich mackerel. And apart from the filleting it's very easy.
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