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Chinese Cuisine: Cantonese Style

Black Pepper Beef (黑椒牛柳條, hēi jiāo niú liǔ tiáo)

Page 23

Cuisine: Chinese | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: beef stir-fry keeper chinese cooking

Single Review Display

6th March 2010

friederike from Berlin,

Very delicious, although you should keep an eye on the chilli peppers. We added little more than a tablespoon of red chillies, and no green chillies at all, and it was hot! But still delicious.
Don’t be mislead by the portion sizes – I believe that they take into account that several dishes would be served to a party of four. We served this dish together with Good Luck Fish Cake, Chinese Broccoli with Oyster Sauce and plain rice to three, and I doubt we could have fed four with this dish alone.

Edited 6 April 2011:
Upgraded to 5 stars - we returned to this recipe again and again because it's so good! Much depends on your stir-frying techniques - do not overcook the meat!

(edited 12th October 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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