
Halibut with Beurre Blanc and Oyster Mushrooms / Heilbot met beurre blanc en oesterzwammen
Page 36
| Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: winter fish lean fish celeriac mushrooms cod oyster mushrooms beurre blanc keeper
Recipe Review
friederike from Berlin,
Really nice! But then again, what's not to like with cream, shallots, herbs and white wine? The flavours harmonised well, though DB thought that the fish (we used haddock; cod tomorrow) was in danger of going unnoticed, while I though the exact same thing about the oyster mushrooms. Truth be told, though, both are relatively delicate ingredients. Also, the whole dish tended to be slightly dry, mainly because of the beurre blanc which I just might have cooked for too long; serving it with mashed potatoes probably didn't help either.
Our main problem with the recipe, however, is that actually, to do it right, you would need to execute steps 2, 3 and 4 all at the same time, This wouldn't have been such a problem if at least this had been indicated in the recipe instructions. The fact that this wasn't really clear lead to a little stress at the end.
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