The Pie and Pastry Bible

Peanut Butter Mousse
Page 317
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Desserts

Recipe Reviews
kateq from annapolis, md
This is very good and very easy, but needs a tad more sweetness. Part of the problem could be that I used an organic peanut butter without the additives contained in a spread like Jif (recommended in the recipe)--but I'd much prefer to add a but more sweetness and avoid the additives. The amount is just right to fill a nine inch tart or pie pan.
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
This came together easily, and it was the easiest mousse I have ever made. The taste was peanut buttery, but also very light and airy. It had a very good texture, but I could have mixed it longer, I did not see that the ingredients were not homogeneous until serving it. It did shrink on the second day, so it would be preferable to serve it when first made.
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