The Vegan Scoop: 150 Recipes for Dairy-Free Ice Cream that Tastes Better Than the "Real" Thing

Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl
Page 51
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Desserts

Tags: chocolate peanut butter ice cream vegan
Recipe Reviews
One word - amazing! I will never again have to spend $4-5 on a pint of vegan ice cream. This was my first attempt, vegan or otherwise, at ice cream and I was pleasantly surprised. I used Silk unsweetened soy milk and plain Silk creamer and got a lovely, creamy chocolate ice cream with ribbons of peanut butter. YUM!
UPDATE: I made this again, but used only unsweetened soy milk rather than the soy milk and soy creamer called for in the recipe. The ice cream came out just as creamy and delicious and I didn't have to spend $3 for a quart of soy creamer! =)
(edited 3rd July 2012) (3) comment (3) useful
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