Plenty: Vibrant Recipes from London's Ottolenghi
Savoy Cabbage and Parmesan Rind Soup
Page 104
| Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Reviews
Zosia from Toronto, ON
Simple, quick and comforting, this thick, creamy soup is subtly flavoured with cabbage and caraway. A potato adds creaminess (no dairy involved), and the parmesan, a nutty flavour. The soup is simply garnished with quickly sauteed strands of cabbage and red chili pepper.
I used the parmesan rinds as directed, but don't think they added as much flavour as they could have because of the short cooking time (10-15 min); most of the cheese flavour came from the grated cheese added after the soup was pureed. Next time, I will forgo the rinds in favour of the grated cheese only and save them for a slower cooked soup where they will have more impact.
This was remarkably quick to make, used few ingredients and had great flavour; it held wide appeal as the cabbage flavour was not very strong.
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