In the Kitchen with A Good Appetite: 150 Recipes and Stories About the Food You Love

Spicy Chicken Barley Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Spinach
Page 164
| Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
I completely agree with the previous reviewer about pumping up the spices next time. Given the "warm" spice mix, I wondered about the omission of cumin. I'm looking forward to playing around with the spice mix next time because it is worth making again -- healthy ingredients.
megaelim from Portland, ME
Great soup - easy to make, with lots of down time once it's actually cooking.
I actually wouldn't have minded a bit more seasoning, this was probably the least developed flavors I've ever gotten from this author. Not that was bad, just not quite as good as I usually expect. I would probably amp up the spices a bit if I made it again. That said, the overall recipe is great.
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