Website: New York Times - Dining and Wine

White Bean and Caramelized Onion Calzone
| Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: fennel
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
This recipe has potential to be five - its just too salty.
A fennel bulb and white onion are sliced thinly, and caramelized (3T olive oil) (with fennel seeds). Instructions say 25 minutes - mine was starting to caramelize by that time, and I gave it an additional 7-8 minutes. I think another 10 would continue to enhance this part of the calzone.
The other part is a mashed up white bean-lemon zest-olive oil mix. I used canned beans (not my favorite), and we had a lot of trouble with this step until we turned to an underused kitchen tool - the muddler. That mashed up the beans well.
After rolling out the pizza dough, you spread the bean mixture and then the fennel/onion mixture, seal it up, brush it with oil, and apply some salt.
20 minutes at 500F and its done - beautiful!
The lemon squeezed on at the table adds a lot - and helps to cut the salt. I'm not sure if the salt came from my canned beans (I did rinse them well), or the many parts, each well salted.
I liked the combination of flavors, the final look of the calzone, and how well it sliced. This recipe is worth tweaking!
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