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Coq au Vin
Page 146
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: chicken Coq au Vin French red wine braise cooking with alcohol chicken braise
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Very nice recipe! It's approximately comparable to the Coq au Vin from Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche in both taste and complexity.
Remarkable about this recipe is that although it uses Cognac, it doesn't flambée it - we did - and that the mushrooms are being fried separately, which means they retain both their flavour and their texture. Minor issue: It's absolutely impossible to fry all chicken pieces in one go, though the recipe seems to imply it.
We served the rest of the topping of yesterdays Grilled Vegetable Pizza as a side dish, which worked pretty well, mainly due to the rosemary.
Edited 27 October 2014:
I was slightly worried that 45 min of braising wouldn't be enough, but in fact it was just right. Bits and pieces of the chicken even tasted just a tiny bit dry, and I wondered if that might have been because we kept the chicken pieces, covered with aluminium, in the oven heated to 50C while we reduced the sauce. One thing I didn't do (and I assume I didn't do it when I made it the first time around) is that I used other herbs - no cayenne (cayenne in Coq au Vin, really?), but instead nutmeg, dried rosemary and dried thyme, and a little fresh parsley at the end. Again, although it doesn't say so in the recipe, I flambéed the cognac again, which was especially exciting as it was the first time I did it while I was all alone.
Served with a slice of bread and Glazed Sautéed Carrots, though prepared with honey instead of sugar, and a bunch of fresh parsley - very delicious! Rosemary would work equally well.
(edited 27th October 2014) (0) comment (0) useful
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