Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen: Capturing the Vibrant flavors of a World-Class Cuisine

Smoky Peanut Mole with Grilled Quail
Page 286
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: tomatoes ancho chiles chipotles en adobo
Recipe Reviews
Zosia from Toronto, ON
The author calls this the easiest mole he knows and describes the flavour as “crowd pleasing”. I’m not certain about the former statement as it took me a long time to make, but I can definitely attest to the latter. Rich, smoky, slightly sweet and tart with a hint of bitterness……the flavour is really too complex to describe but it tastes fantastic.
The list of ingredients is long and includes toasted ancho chiles, chipotles en adobo, roasted tomatoes, peanuts, sauteed aromatics and spices. The recipe directions and descriptions are very clear and easy to follow. Once all of the ingredients are prepped, pureed and strained, cooking time is ~ 50 minutes.
I served this with grilled chicken to family and friends who have never had a real mole (including myself) and everyone loved it.
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