Crazy Water Pickled Lemons: Enchanting Dishes from the Middle East, Mediterranean and North Africa
Cardamom-baked Figs and Plums with Burnt Honey and Yoghurt Pannacotta
Page 126
Cuisine: Mediterranean | Course Type: Desserts
Tags: Panna Cotta honey figs plums cardamom
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
It was hard to review this dish. I didn't have the impression that something had been done with the plums and the figs, that something had been added - until I came to that one plum that tasted of nothing but lemon (lime) zest. When I asked DH what he thought of the dish, I said he quite liked it - though everything he said following that gave me the impression that he didn't, citing amongst others all the points mentioned above. So I guess there's just too much doubt to bother with it again. Interestingly enough, Ms. Henry seems to like the combination of figs and plums (and cardamom!), as she lists a recipe for Roast Figs and Plums in Vodka with Cardamom Cream in another of her cookbooks.
We didn't make the yoghurt pannacottas but served the fruit with Greek Yoghurt instead, as she suggests - and we probably wouldn't have used yoghurt in the panna cotta anyway, as that had already gone wrong once before. We also omitted the honey as there was so much juice leftover.
(edited 25th July 2012) (0) comment (1) useful
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