Daniel Boulud's Cafe Boulud Cookbook: French-American Recipes for the Home Cook

Coffee-Cardamom Pot de Creme
Page 256
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Desserts
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
I was halving this recipe which made things a little tricky as it called for 7 egg yolks and only 3/4 cup sugar, divided. So I ended up trying to make caramel from a 1/4 cup of sugar to which coarsely ground coffee beans and cardamon pods were added. Probably a bit easier to do with a full recipe I'm thinking.
Since I didn't cut the cooking time by enough, my result was more pudding than pot ... BUT the flavour was pretty darned good although -- and I never say this -- it could have been a little bit sweeter.
Boulud suggests pairing this with a dark sweet sherry, which I did, and he was spot on about that.
I think this would be an excellent dessert following a Spanish or Middle Eastern main dish.
(edited 25th September 2012) (4) comment (1) useful
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