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The Kitchen Diaries II

Chocolate muscovado banana cake

Page 119

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Review

10th November 2012

bunyip from Melbourne, VIC

Slater says that when he demonstrated this on TV it trended on Twitter. I'm not surprised. It's light, moist and not as sweet as you expect.

You have to use really ripe, black bananas. He doesn't specify what sort of muscovado sugar to use - I used light, which creamed with the butter to the required pale coffee colour. I didn't chop up chocolate, just used (Belgian) chocolate buttons.

I don't do a lot of baking, but I found it ridiculously easy. Hubby felt the need of a second slice before confirming that it was delicious.

(2) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 10th November 2012
Sounds amazing!


bunyip - 11th November 2012
The recipe is also available on the Guardian's website, so if you want to try it you don't need to buy the book.


bunyip - 15th November 2012
It's not on the website any more, copyright has expired!


Queezle_Sister - 15th November 2012
Yes, I saw that. Seems like a good excuse for me to seek out this recipe! Thanks buyip.


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