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Holländisch kochen: Gerichte und ihre Geschichte

Zander with Potato and Glasswort Mash / Snoekbaars met aardappel-zeekraal-puree

Page 78

Cuisine: Dutch/Belgian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: lean fish cod mash supermarket fish zander glasswort zeekraal potato mash

Recipe Review

2nd January 2013

friederike from Berlin,

This was really nice! We used cod instead of zander as it seemed the most comparable fish. The glasswort made an interesting addition to the potato mash, though to my surprise it wasn't really salty. As a whole, the zander and the mash combined very well, and it was interesting to see this as a kind of modern take on the typical Dutch way of eating potato mash (Dutch often serve potato mash mixed with kale - being German, I prefer my kale served next to the potato mash, but this combination was really good).

DH tried to adapt the recipe by using the video blog for "Heston Blumenthal's Perfect Potato Mash", but unfortunately he managed to turn it into "DH's Perfectly Ruined Potato Mash" ("I guess with this stuff I don't even need to show up for Master Chef") - the taste was nice, but the texture was very, very gluey.

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