Amsterdam kookt

Cod with Tomato Confit / Kabeljauw met geconfijte tomaat
Page 37
Cuisine: Mediterranean | Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: quick easy pasta tomato lean fish prepare in advance cod supermarket fish
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
It smelled incredibly delicious, but tasted a bit bland - until we fetched pepper and salt, which made all the difference. Just mentioning this because I'm used to reading recipes that include the instruction to season that I was completely caught off guard when this one didn't, though it definitely needed seasoning.
We didn't make the pasta, just used normal dried tagliatelle. And it's not really clear from the list of ingredients, but you're supposed to use dried herbs for baking the tomatoes.
It's very delicious, it's very pretty, and it's really quick, at least the second part. I guess you could prepare the tomatoes a day in advance and then just re-heat them (and the lemon oil!).
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