The Kitchen Diaries II

A Mint and Raspberry Sugar for Strawberries
Page 234
| Course Type: Desserts

Recipe Reviews
Zosia from Toronto, ON
I really liked this idea of adding minted pink raspberry sugar to fresh strawberries and the flavour was lovely (as I made it) but I’ve concluded from this recipe that Mr. Slater must have an extremely sweet tooth: 100g(1/2 cup) sugar for 400g (less than 1 lb) strawberries???
I decided I would use just a few spoons/25g of sugar; my idea didn’t work since the small quantity just dissolved into the raspberries. It wasn’t until I had added close to the full 100g that the crystals remained intact.
I macerated the strawberries with just 1 spoon of the flavoured sugar and added a sprinkle to each dish at serving time and that was plenty. This variation of mine was actually similar to the “less sweet” version mentioned in the recipe….next time I’ll just follow those instructions but include the mint.
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