The French Market Cookbook: Vegetarian Recipes from My Parisian Kitchen

Pebronata Canelés
Page 90
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Appetizers
Recipe Reviews
Zosia from Toronto, ON
A savoury take on the sweet French pastry, these take only minutes to put together once this red pepper stew is made. The batter reminded me of a popover batter, though on the thick side, and they seemed to bake that way with some dramatic puffing in the oven followed by settling upon cooling. Hot from the oven, the centres are a little wet, so they're best eaten warm and at room temperature as suggested when the centre is merely moist.
These were really very good…..a great way to transform leftover ratatouille, roasted vegetables etc into something a little different and special.
I baked them in a well-oiled standard metal muffin tin, 80ml batter per canelé, for 30 minutes. The yield was 11.
(edited 29th September 2013) (0) comment (1) useful
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