The Essential New York Times Cookbook: Classic Recipes for a New Century

Meat and Spinach Loaf
Page 524
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
kateq from annapolis, md
I wanted to like this rather healthy meatloaf and I did -- quite a lot. I made it as written, leaving out only one ingredient, the celery as I didn't realize in time that I had none. (I must note that the recipe calls for pureeing the celery, parsley and milk in the blender--I have always thought that celery should not go in a blender, even when chopped.) I used all extra-lean ground beef and baby spinach and red onion. I did put the bacon on top and baked it for the recommended time. Though I had misgivings about the bacon, I used it because I was afraid that the extra lean meat would result in a dry loaf. The finished product was delicious--the only thing I didn't like was the bacon. The bacon fat was unappealing to say the least, as it pooled in the baking dish and the bacon itself was hard as a rock. I look forward to making this again, but with the suggested tomato jam variation.
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