Roast Figs, Sugar Snow: Food to Warm the Soul

West Country Pot-roast Chicken with Apples and Cider
Page 118
| Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: chicken braise bacon apples cooking with alcohol chicken braise cider rosemary
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Brilliant! The meat was so tender it just fell of the bones, and the sauce with apples/cider, rosemary and bacon (we used normal cubed bacon) was incredibly flavourful. Absolutely recommended, and a delicious autumn/winter dinner. Served with the remaining Braised Shallot (Onion) Confit), a very nice combintation.
Edited 2 August 2015:
Served with the cabbage as cooked according to this recipe twice already - savoy cabbage works really well with this dish, green/white cabbage less so.
(edited 4th August 2015) (0) comment (1) useful
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