By Molly Brown
Hardie Grant Books - 2014
ISBN: 1742707351

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Mackerel and Oat Fish Cakes with Horseradish Mayonnaise / Makreel en Havermout Viskoekjes met Mierikswortelmayonaise

Page 154

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: potato fish cakes spinach smoked fish oats oatmeal smoked mackerel mash

Recipe Reviews

22nd November 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Interesting, but really not worth the effort. Prepping takes a lot of time: Cook the spinach, then chop; chop the onions, then fry; cook the potatoes, then mash; skin the mackerel, then chop; make the fish cakes, then let rest for 30 min; then coat with flour, coat with egg, coat with oats or oatmeal, fry - that are a lot of actions just to make a few fish cakes.

Regarding their taste, it was nice to try something different, but I thought they contained way too much potato mash, making them slightly bland in taste and definitely too soft. I'd prefer them with less potato mash or even no potato mash at all (saves an extra step), and perhaps with a mix of a fresh fish and smoked mackerel.

I liked the spinach, though, and I also liked the oats. Turning them in oats made them crisper than oatmeal, though you need to be slightly more careful not to burn them. I also enjoyed the horseradish mayonnaise (though we didn't have fresh horseradish, we omitted the crème fraîche and added the horseradish cream straight to the mayonnaise).

We also omitted the watercress; as I knew that I would still have half a bag of spinach leftover it seemed silly to buy something extra; we made creamed spinach instead.

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