100 Great Breads
By Paul Hollywood
Cassell Illustrated - 2004
ISBN: 1844031438

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100 Great Breads

White bread

Page 20

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Breads

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Tags: bread yeast bread white bread guest post by DH

Recipe Reviews

27th January 2014

friederike from Berlin,

Hey there, this is Friederike's husband, also known around these pages as 'DH'. I have decided to try my hand at bread baking and I used this recipe to get started.

Since I was just getting started, this bread did not turn out great. Lots of that is due to me not having acquired the proper techniques. However, I have some gripes about the recipe as well: it, or the book for that matter, does not tell you how important kneading is for breads, the amount of water specified was not sufficient at all, and more salt and some sugar is also needed.

Consequently, this bread did not rise very well the first time, and tasted quite flat. The second time I added more salt and some sugar and kneaded better, and the bread turned out better as well. Even then, a yeast bread from white flour has a slightly boring taste. All in all, the recipe works, but the result won't be something to write home about.

(edited 29th January 2014) (0) comment (0) useful  

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