The Dahlia Bakery Cookbook: Sweetness in Seattle

Silk Chocolate Cream Pie with Pecan Crust
Page 167
| Course Type: Pies and Tarts

Tags: Pi day
Recipe Reviews
Zosia from Toronto, ON
This is a showstopper of a pie with rather sophisticated flavours - intense chocolate filling with salty, crunchy crust. Can't say I cared much for the crust on its own but it was a great foil, both texturally and in its savouriness, to the silky filling and sweet topping.
Making the filling, which involved pouring hot pastry cream over chocolate etc in a food processor, caused my machine to overheat in 30sec but that was enough time to blend the ingredients. The filling barely made it into the pie crust taste tasters thought it was so good!
Happy Pi Day!
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