Cooking New American : How to Cook the Food You Love to Eat

Squash Ravioli with Sherried Onion Sauce, Walnuts and Cranberries
Page 70
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
chefaileen from Kingston, ON
This was incredible. I used 2 small butternut squash and then had way too much filling, so increased the ricotta and parmesan to balance, and then had at least half of it left over. I froze it, so hopefully can use again. The ravioli were easy to make, but required less boiling time than the recipe says. Basically when they pop up on to the surface, I think they are done. Otherwise they get too soft. But the taste was great especially with the sauce (easy to make) and all the toppings. If I had been served this in a restaurant I would have been pleased. My husband and I had 4 each as a main course and were stuffed. Could eat less with salad on the side. The recipe suggested 6 for dinner portion, and 3-4 for appetizer, but they are filling with a heavy sauce. I made 56 and ran out of wonton wrappers, so froze the rest of the filling. I ended up freezing a large number of ravioli too, so can have this again soon! Yum.
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